Our principles.

Everything we do is guided by our 3 core principles.


As psychologists our work is rooted in the science of behaviour. We use research and data to inform our practice and our thinking.


We use nature as our guide, grounding our ideas in the natural world and using the environment as our inspiration.


Creativity is at the core of everything we do. We innovate and ideate with confidence to push the boundaries of our practice.

These principles are underpinned by our values.

Our values.


We care - for ourselves, for others and for the environment. We work with kindness first, taking action to support those who need help.


We work with honesty, embodying our values and delivering on our commitments. We take great pride in our work and in helping others.


We believe that working on social change takes courage - we stand together and face our challenges with strong footing and fire in our bellies.


We believe in creating and holding non-judgmental spaces for growth, embracing all of humanity in its brilliant diversity


We want to share our knowledge, insights and skills with you, to make our work accessible and open to everyone, to give and to
receive with kindness.


We started as a cooperative
& we still take a collaborative and co-creative approach to our work. We embrace the cooperative values of equality, equity & solidarity.