A bit about the workshop -
Our half-day workshop is a highly practical session where you learn about the fundamentals of the science behind optimal performance, and you get to experience and experiment with approaches and techniques to:
Find ease & efficiency in mind and body
Increase effectiveness
Gain resilience under pressure
Find more energy
Let go of what you no longer need to do
Create supportive self-talk
You benefit from a 1:1 coaching session with one of the highly experienced facilitators following the workshop to integrate the takeaways that are impactful for you back into your context.
There is an opportunity following the workshop, for those interested, to join a community of leaders interested in sustainable growth and sustaining flow and optimal performance.
There are two opportunities to come along to a ‘find out more’ session to meet the facilitators. These are on the 8th of November at 1pm and the 13th of November at 6pm.
You can register for one of these and receive a link by emailing Jill@wearecreateflow.com.
A follow-up coaching session is arranged to suit diaries.